YouTube is planning to launch an application for Vision Pro glasse

YouTube is planning to launch an application for Vision Pro glasses

Official remarks have indicated that the video-sharing network YouTube intends to release a new application designed to function with Apple's recently released "Vision Pro" glasses.

The YouTube application for Vision Pro glasses "is on the company's road map," according to a statement sent by Jessica Gebbie, the platform's official spokeswoman, to The Verge technical website. However, she did not provide a particular debut date.

In addition, Gibby stated that although the official YouTube app is not yet available, users can now enjoy "a great viewing experience through the Safari browser," and the company is pleased to introduce Apple Glass.

Before its launch, YouTube declined to make its application available for Apple Glasses, despite Apple offering the option to run the iPad version of the program. Netflix and Spotify also declined to make their applications currently available for Glasses.

Although the reason for YouTube's change in heart regarding an Apple Glass application is still unknown, one possibility is the growing popularity of "Juno," an unlicensed app that lets users browse YouTube through their glasses.

In addition to the 3D videos posted on the platform, users of the platform believe that the YouTube app for glasses will help make it simple to watch videos using virtual reality and "360-degree" technology.

Users of the Safari browser with the glasses are unable to see YouTube virtual reality videos on the platform. as a result of its lack of support for the WebXR standard, which permits the viewing of these clips.



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